Sunday, January 27, 2013


I am done. I am done with life. I am done with this thing that is called high school. supposedly I'm gonna look back on this as "the greatest days of my  life" but I think that's kinda B.S. High school is cool and all but I want to be gone. I feel old. Really old. A girl I've kissed just got engaged. Ya. I would love some change in my life. I listened to Fix You by Cold play and it totally explains how I feel. I love it. 

In other news, I will submit my mission papers on tuesday! AHHH! I am so excited! I am a giddy little girl! 

I have no idea what to do with girls so I have given up. Its quiet relieving actually. Its pretty neat it a sucky kinda way. :)

I love Miles Farnsworth. There. Its out there. Judge me. #teamMiles

I am growing my mustache. Its going to be awesome. 

I really miss Tonga and the people who went with me. 


Questions? Comments?

1 comment:

  1. You know I gotta comment. #teamtaylorissocoolforcreating#teammiles. Love ya, my good man.
