Sunday, December 9, 2012


Sometimes in life, we hit a point where we have to choose to stay on the path we are on or to brave a new trail. I'm at one of those points. I'm realizing that a lot of the decisions I am going to make in the next few months are going to change my life as I know it drastically. I am really excited for these times. Don't get me wrong, I am still nervous. There are many things that could go wrong. I could ruin my future if I'm not smart. Although there is a chance that I will mess everything up and take my life somewhere I don't want it to go, I am excited for the chance to throw away all of the bad. To sacrifice things that future Taylor will look back and be proud of me. I know that if I stay close to God, I will go where I need to go. Gods' way is the perfect way and I know that it is the only perfect way. I have all of the resources in front of me to get me there. I just need to be strong and smart enough to take advantage of them.

On Thursday during my free period in the library, I was ready to check out and veg out on my phone. Little did I know that a life changing experience was going to wiggle its way in there during that brief time period (and no it clash of clans wasn't that life changing experience). While I was in the library, there were drug addicts who were in therapy that were telling their life story. I couldn't not pay attention. I felt an immediate connection with them when they were talking about there lives and their decisions. I don't know why I felt this way but I couldn't deny the feeling. I really related with them. That may sound weird because I haven't even touched drugs before but I still felt like I related to them and some of their feelings. I understood them. I really do have so much respect for those guys. They are in the process of pulling themselves out of crappy situations and choosing to make some hard decisions to make a better life for themselves.

I hope that someday I will touch lives. I want to leave my mark on the world for the better. Even if it is small. There is so much to be had and I hope I can help people realize that and achieve it. I also hope that I can be the most amazing man for that special someone and all the little special ones that will be in my life someday. I am excited to have a family of my own someday. Family is a big deal to me.

By the way, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, and Elvis (his mellow stuff) are fantastic. Go get more acquainted with them because they are simply amazing.

That's all for tonight folks. Stay classy and happy :)

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