Most things don't matter. What does matter is how you react to the things that don't matter. Don't disgrace the things that do matter by making little things a big deal. High school is the epitome of this. Many still do not realize what matters in life and what to put their focus on. True happiness lies in simplicity. Love. Love everyone because they human beings. Keep your family and close friends close. Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel because they will never know unless you tell them. True happiness lies within yourself. Others cannot bring you happiness. Find yourself and stay true to who you are. Always look to improve because no one is perfect and if you aren't improving, you are digressing. Live to serve others. Not to kiss up or bring anything to yourself but to truly be in it 100% for that specific person. "We must develop the capacity to see men not as they are at present but as they may become." Always live with no regrets. Never be afraid to try something new.
Life is beautiful. Make the most out of every moment!
Don't Worry, Be Happy :)