Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Most things don't matter. What does matter is how you react to the things that don't matter. Don't disgrace the things that do matter by making little things a big deal. High school is the epitome of this. Many still do not realize what matters in life and what to put their focus on. True happiness lies in simplicity. Love. Love everyone because they human beings. Keep your family and close friends close. Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel because they will never know unless you tell them. True happiness lies within yourself. Others cannot bring you happiness. Find yourself and stay true to who you are. Always look to improve because no one is perfect and if you aren't improving, you are digressing. Live to serve others. Not to kiss up or bring anything to yourself but to truly be in it 100% for that specific person. "We must develop the capacity to see men not as they are at present but as they may become." Always live with no regrets. Never be afraid to try something new. 

Life is beautiful. Make the most out of every moment! 

Don't Worry, Be Happy :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Human Condition

 "The greatest thing you will ever learn is to love and to be loved in return."
Every human just wants to feel love. Every human just wants to be noticed for who they are. Every human just wants to feel needed and valued. This is what everything boils down to, isn't it?
As a missionary, this is what I view as my biggest role. The greatest thing I will ever do out there is just to LOVE. That is all God is about right? God loves us so much that he gave us His only begotten son. Christ loves us so much that he made it possible for us to obtain true everlasting happiness. No one is insignificant in the sight of God. Christ spent his time among the sinners and the social outcasts, not the so called "righteous" of society or the great and mighty. Then why do we put such a value on this? Why are we so quick to judge and speak ill of others? Why can't we be the one to just love others? Love bring actual value into life. We define ourselves by the things we love right?

The challenge I have given myself is to forget about myself and just love. As I will do that, my needs are taken care of. Kind of weird isn't it? We our promised that our needs are taken care of when we forget about them and take others burdens and make them light. That logically makes no sense at all. But it is true. I know it without a doubt.

Simplicity is so beautiful. Just love.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Its been awhile

So many things to say. Is it worth it? I've always been one to keep my closest parts of me and my deepest feelings locked inside. It is an effective method. Its also lonely. Its times like this that the loneliness builds inside. Its not unusual. Put on some headphones, sit back, and dream. Let the music take you away.

Not many people know this about me. I am seriously thinking about joining the army. I have been for quite sometime now. I have the utmost and deepest respect for soldiers. It is one of the most selfless things to do. Even if I don't join the Armed Forces, I want to be a soldier. I want to live my life to enrich others lives, no matter where I am at in life. I want to fight through life so I can truly lay down my life with no regrets and greet my God with tears of gladness rather than tears of fear or regret.

"Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion;respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home."

This is my favorite poem, piece of literature, or whatever you want to call it. I hope you gain as much out of it as I do.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


During the Skype session I had with Chloe Gilmour today, I realized 2 things. 1 That Chloe is a freaking amazing human being and that I am super lucky to have in my life and 2 that I really need to tell people how much I appreciate them more. How often do I go on through my life and have something that someone did or have something that someone said help me out? To be honest, it happens everyday. How often do I actually tell them that they mean something to me and that they have really helped me out? Very rarely. How do I feel when people compliment me and say how they feel about me? I feel amazing. I need to do better at this. I am the person I am today because of those around me. I would be in a terrible place without the people around me and the lessons they have taught me. Especially my family and close friends. That is my goal going forward and as I transition through this phase of life. I need to tell those who are important to me how much they have done to help me.

There is a lot of unsurity in my life and I am so comforted to have a Father in Heaven and a brother who are always there for me.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


This past week I have been thinking about what I am committed to. I have a hard time staying committed to things. I think I have a problem staying committed to things because I usually find that they are stupid or flawed. It is the same reason why I have a problem with obeying stupid little rules that don't have a purpose or rules that are just plain stupid. I thought to myself, "Dang Taylor, you're going on a mission. That's a big commitment. You haven't been very good at commitment. Are you REALLY committed?" This really shook me. Am I committed? Do I even commit to things? I had to do a lot of soul searching. I realized that I really am committed to my mission. I always have been. I know the cause I am committed to and the God I am committed to and neither of those are stupid or useless. I had the wonderful opportunity to go talk to Mr. Bryson this week. It seems that every time I go, I am spiritually uplifted and this time did not disappoint. I got through all the pleasantries and told him about my mission. He stopped and asked if I was being serious. He then grabbed my phone and wrote down a name, who I later found was one of his mission companions. He then told me all of these amazing mission experiences. All of them seemed to apply just for me. He said that if I go in with a willing heart and an open mind, I cannot fail. He told me that in doing this I had to keep every mission rule no matter how stupid and useless it is. I was surprised at how ok I felt with the idea of it. I am still amazed with how I feel about it. Its amazing. I also realized that I am committed to the most important things. I am committed to my family and friends and the ones I love. I am committed to my future. I am committed to trying to treat others excellently. I realized that maybe I'm not that bad after all.

Ok enough mission talk. :) I had a choir concert thingy this weekend. It ran from 2-10 on Friday and 9-9 on Saturday. It was loooooong. It was directed by this man named Antwon Armstrong. He is black and from New York. Because of his heritage, we sang this song called the Gospel Mass. It is an African American Gospel Rock song that was made for a commemoration of Black Rights. I dreaded practicing it the 2 months leading up to this. I thought that it musically was boring. But when he got a hold of it, it was awesome. I couldn't really sing much because I was sick but there were a few parts where I couldn't restrain myself it was so fun. I know, I totally sound like a choir nerd but it was cool. I have really disliked choir this year so this was really cool for me to experience. It got me thinking about how much I love making music and how cool it would be to do that for a living. I guess you could call that my big dream. Its unrealistic, but its a cool dream to dream about.

One of my brothers friends got a Go Pro camera and I am really excited to do some things with it. I have always wanted one and this is going to be really cool. Hopefully I can get some good footage while I longboard when it gets warm enough.

I'm ready to be done with school and for warm weather that I can enjoy. I'm dreaming of this white snow to be replaced with green grass and a warm, bright sun. It is a fantastic dream. And it cannot come quick enough.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I am so incredibly excited :) This has seriously been one of the coolest experiences ever for me. I really know that this call is from God. I know that I am supposed to go to Norway for a reason. I know that Dallin is supposed to go to Norway. I know that he is an amazing person and he will touch the lives of the people he meets. I look up to that guy. I feel privileged to serve with him in Norway. I know that if we are put together, we will go HAM on the people there :)

Mission prep has been one of the greatest things ever for me. I have been attending since I was about 15 and I hated it when I started but I am so glad that my dad made me stick with it. It has done more than help me prepare for my mission but it has also helped me be a better person. Logan Cameron and I are companion and we have the opportunity to teach Jason Jermans family for about 4-5 weeks. Today was our 1st lesson and we almost weren't even able to teach them but as we got back in the car when the didn't answer the door, Logan asked me a few questions and we sat there for a couple minutes and they pulled it right when we were about to leave. I am so grateful for this because the experience we had was amazing. The spirit was so strong. Logan shared the 1st vision with them and I almost lost it. I am so grateful for the spirit and the role it plays in my life. I pray that it will be with me while I preach the gospel to the people of Norway.

I have started to try to learn Norwegian! It is such a cool language! I really hope that I can get it mostly down before I head out on the mish.

I am so happy right now. Life is just treating me great. :)

Here is a pretty neat video :)

And some cool pictures :)

Photo: People walking on a shopping street in Norway

Photo: A village nestled in a fjord

Photo: Trees in a forest

Photo: Illuminated building and fountain

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I just submitted my mission papers today. Dang. I'm not a little boy anymore. Its exciting :)

I have been praying really hard lately. One that I will be able to get this big scholarship to Westminster, and two that I would be able to go through the temple before my brother gets married so I could witness it. I was really worried because my Stake President is usually a guy who plays it to the letter of the law. The letter. I went in there today and he told me to go through right when I get my mission call. Dang. That is in about 2-4 weeks.

I know that God really listens to our prays. He really does care about everyone of us individually. I use to pray just to pray. I would go through the basics and then jump into bed without even thinking about it. I have learned that when I really pray as if I am talking to him and he is really listening, things actually come from my prayers. God loves me and he wants to help me out in my day to day life, even if it is small and insignificant, he wants me to be happy. Dang. God is amazing. He is for everyone.

I am so excited to go preach this wonderful gospel to others. God is amazing. Anything is possible with God. Dang. That is the neatest thing there is to know.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I am done. I am done with life. I am done with this thing that is called high school. supposedly I'm gonna look back on this as "the greatest days of my  life" but I think that's kinda B.S. High school is cool and all but I want to be gone. I feel old. Really old. A girl I've kissed just got engaged. Ya. I would love some change in my life. I listened to Fix You by Cold play and it totally explains how I feel. I love it. 

In other news, I will submit my mission papers on tuesday! AHHH! I am so excited! I am a giddy little girl! 

I have no idea what to do with girls so I have given up. Its quiet relieving actually. Its pretty neat it a sucky kinda way. :)

I love Miles Farnsworth. There. Its out there. Judge me. #teamMiles

I am growing my mustache. Its going to be awesome. 

I really miss Tonga and the people who went with me. 


Questions? Comments?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Good Guys

I've come to realize, while talking to Kyle and thinking about it in my brain, that the good guy never wins. Think about it. Its kinda true. Moral of the story is, be a bad guy. They get goodies, daisies thrown at them, and that neat bad A label. Who wouldn't want that? Darn. I should be a bad guy. Stupid moral code and religion. Well, ill just go back to listening to punk rock from the late 90s into the turn of the century. Its amazing. Go get acquainted with it.

That's all for today, Have a good life.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ready to Go

This week has been an awesome week. To start off, Ill just say that coming back from St. George and seeing my friends was simply amazing. I love those guys. I dont know what I would do without them. The 2 days I actually went to school were actually enjoyable and fun! Doesnt happen very often. One of the biggest things that happened this week was my visit to Westminster College in Salt Lake. I have really wanted to go here for college. The problem has been money and that they wouldnt defer for my mission. Because of these things, it all kind of seemed like an unrealistic dream. This Friday, it all changed. I met with an admission counselor and she told me that they would defer for my mission. I was literally stunned. It was definitely an answer to prayer. She also told me that I was one of the top candidates for a really awesome scholarship that would pretty much pay for my schooling. It will take a lot of work this month but it would definitely be worth it. I have been pretty stressed about it and this whole meeting changed everything. My dream of going to college there is a very good possibility now.
I have just been thinking about my future lately and how much is going to change. To be honest, I am really excited. Over the past few weeks of school, I have really become sick of it. I am so excited to serve a mission. I know that it is the right thing to do right now. I have been itching to get out ever since the announcement in General Conference. It didnt really change much for me because I turn 19 in July but it really made me want to get out. But I know that it all of this is apart of a grand plan and that there is a reason that I am still here. It will be interesting to see who will choose to stay in my life after the mission and into college. Will I even associate with the people I do now? I know that Adam, Kyle, Dallin, and I will always be brothers but will we be able to see each other that much and even have much of an influence on each other? Either way, I know they will make a difference for good wherever they are at.

Oh and I got tickets to an Opera on Saturday. I should probably find someone to accompany me.

Just be Happy :)